Cyber Threat Intelligence


Providing you with the latest and most comprehensive global security news and cybersecurity reports is one of the many components to keep you protected. Our Cyber Threat Intelligence solution collects, consolidates and organises threat intel data from various sources and formats and turns them into actionable insights for your organisation. 

AceTeam Connect’s Cyber Threat Intelligence services are designed keeping in mind the criticality of cybersecurity in the current landscape. With tactical and strategic threat intelligence, our experts actively monitor the latest global cyber threat tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs). Additionally, we provide monthly threat intelligence reports to keep you well-informed of the latest cybersecurity news and events. 

What Makes Us Different

Why AceTeam Connect Cyber Threat Intelligence will tell you more about your adversaries than anyone else

Breach Intelligence ​

As the industry's top choice for incident response, we have responded to over 1,100 incidents every year for the past 15+ years.​

Adversary Intelligence

Our team of over 500 intelligence analysts, spread across 30 countries, gathers up to 1 million malware samples daily from more than 70 sources.​

Machine Intelligence ​

We monitor 4 million virtual machines globally, identifying 50,000-70,000 malicious events per hour.​

Operational Intelligence

Our team secures over 300 clients with detection and response services across 4 international Cyber Threat Operations Centers.​

How We Do It

Our Cyber Threat Intelligence solutions take a comprehensive approach, covering both strategic and tactical threat intel. When you subscribe to our Cyber Threat Intelligence service, these are the deliverables you will be receiving:


Latest Global Threat News (Tactical Threat Intel)

We use the information gathered from thousands of portals, forums, and feeds on the latest global cyber threat tactics, techniques, and procedures to keep you informed and notified.


Latest Global Security News (Strategic Threat Intel)

We send shared security news based on the latest insights collected from reputable security portals and forums. In addition, we also notify you of the most recent discoveries in software/hardware security vulnerabilities, patches, and emerging threats.


Monthly Threat Intelligence Report

We send a monthly compilation of the latest global threat and security news. Included in this report are insights into the tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs), threat types, attack vectors and indicators of compromise (IOCs) associated with the threats.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) service is important for your organisation to:

  • Identify new threats: Get insights into the latest threats and those you might not be aware of.
  • Fill security stakeholders’ knowledge gaps: The number and types of security threats constantly evolving, CTI helps to understand which ones are relevant to your organization.
  • Reduces information processing time: CTI gathers and analyzes threat data from various sources, saving your team valuable time.

Having a Cyber Threat Intelligence solution helps your organisation to:

  • Build a better detection system
  • Faster and more effective response
  • Better decision-making
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